Home Insurance Blog

  • Top 5 Affordable Cities to Buy a Home

    Top 5 Affordable Cities to Buy a Home

    Looking for an affordable place to live? Consider these five cities, which offer some of the nation’s lowest median home prices, home insurance premiums, and property tax rates. But we don’t think affordability should mean sacrifice, so we chose cities with growing job markets that also offer plenty of leisure activities. Here are our top…

    Read more: Top 5 Affordable Cities to Buy a Home
  • 10 Hidden Gems Among U.S. College Towns

    10 Hidden Gems Among U.S. College Towns

    Affordable housing, great weather and a team worth rooting for – what more could you ask for in the ultimate college experience? How about a vibrant arts scene, a walker-friendly community and plenty of places to eat, drink and snag public Wi-Fi – and a latte? Suddenly, you’re talking national-championship caliber experience. HomeInsurance.com took a…

    Read more: 10 Hidden Gems Among U.S. College Towns

Standard Home Insurance Coverage

Your home insurance protection presents a total package, not just dwelling coverage. Home insurance is more than a sum of its parts, but understanding those parts can help you get the best whole product. These coverage types typically are included in a standard policy