Home Insurance Blog

  • Home Insurance FAQs

    Home Insurance FAQs

    Whether you’ve owned your home for decades or are a first-time homeowner, having a home is a big deal. Yet, it’s not uncommon for even the most seasoned property owners to still have homeowners insurance questions about their specific policies or insurance in general as new risks arise and old ones stop being as relevant. …

    Read more: Home Insurance FAQs
  • America’s 5 Least Congested Big Cities

    America’s 5 Least Congested Big Cities

    We’ve all been there, craving big city culture, shopping, events, and sports but not wanting to sacrifice comfort or personal space for life in a metropolis. HomeInsurance.com has ranked the cities in America from population 350,000 to 700,000 according to the congestion found in their urban centers. Our top 5 have plenty of big city…

    Read more: America’s 5 Least Congested Big Cities

Standard Home Insurance Coverage

Your home insurance protection presents a total package, not just dwelling coverage. Home insurance is more than a sum of its parts, but understanding those parts can help you get the best whole product. These coverage types typically are included in a standard policy